Showing posts with label Crystals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crystals. Show all posts

Monday, 28 February 2022

Crystals: the Subtlety of Light

Quite often I hear the misplaced skepticism that crystals are a joke and do not work. I have a great deal of empathy for this illusion, and for good reason.

Quite simply, very few sources know how they work and are, therefore, really short on their explanations. I laugh every time I hear the assertion that, for example, Green Aventurine is a healing crystal. Sure it is! And, really—it is! But simplistic cause-and-effect assertions say very little. The core of the explanation-problem is that very few sources account for how the crystal works with light. Taking that further, what is known about light? If the source cannot bring divine light into the discussion about a crystal, all that will be left is cause-and-effect. Add a bit of breadth, and the crystal will do everything for everyone. No wonder there are lots of skeptics. I, too, am skeptical about most claims that are made about crystals.

There are a host of characteristic variables that apply to divine light. To be sure, understanding the light that governs the spiritual path is not simplistic. Brace yourself for its complexity if you want to understand it in language that is mature enough to be used to communicate to others.

The characteristic of divine light that prompts this blog-post is that light is subtle. When a crystal brings light to a person, that light is subtle. It comes with high and subtle vibrational frequencies that are not readily detected by the uninitiated consciousness. The bona-fide clairvoyant may have the competence to realize the shift in vibration that occurs, but most persons that use crystals do not have that competency. For almost everyone else, using a crystal is not a noticeable event. Crystals do not hit you on the head with a 2x4. But that is not saying they do not work—they do!

Crystals bring light. Light is subtle. The change that results will be subtle and hardly noticeable, but change happens. Light comes. It acts upon the vibration of the crystal’s user and that vibration shifts.

High Quality Optical Calcite
High Quality Optical Calcite

To draw the contrast to help with understanding the context of crystalline subtlety, understand that the divine light that crystals bring and work-with comes primarily from higher dimensions. Sixth dimensional vibration is unequivocally of higher and subtler resonance. Third dimensional vibration is much more dense. The difference usually leaves the crystal user with no benchmark by which to gauge what the crystal is doing. Nothing seems to be what is happening. But light still comes. It accumulates the more the person uses the crystal.

With my own spiritual path, in the early days, I came to realize the changes resulting from my many spiritual practices, including using crystals, when I looked back on the previous 3-4 months. The accumulated effect of accumulating light frequencies, as they affect your vibration, become noticeable after a time, and even then, only if you actually make the effort to look consciously to make note of the changes. After 3-4 months of serious spiritual practices, the changes in your vibration should be quite apparent.

Yes, light is subtle. So, the affects crystals have in the immediate moment are rarely significant enough to allow you to recognize the effect on your vibration. Repeated use over time, however, will bring a guaranteed change in vibration on condition that the denials of skepticism are not blocking the flow of light into your body.  Skepticism not required!

Books by Roger Joyeux

Friday, 15 November 2019

Creating Crystals that work with the Emotions

Stilbite and Prehnite Formation, 
Metamorphosis and Ocean Filtering

     Water, whether in oceans or lakes, filters the incoming vibration leaving a partial vibration to manifest into physical form. Water implies the fluidity of the emotions.  What is left after filtering, and what crystallizes into the depths of the oceans, are the emotional aspects of the manifesting vibrations.  Water filters out those vibrations that are not associated with the emotions.  Crystals that have been filtered by water, therefore, work with the emotions and the emotional body.
     From a scientific-geological perspective, the Stilbites and Prehnite were formed after they rose to the surface from deep within continental formations as metamorphic activity brought them forward.  The first perspective: of descending through the oceans, and this second perspective: of rising with metamorphic upheaval, may seem to be contradictory.  How can a crystal manifest both in the ocean and rise from volcanoes?  To resolve this apparent discrepancy in crystal formation and to ensure the integrity of my channel, I returned to my divine guidance.  

     The additional channel received asserts that both perspectives are true and do not conflict.  Yes, Prehnite and the Stilbites, along with other stones that were filtered in the oceans, do work with the emotional body.  And, yes, they were created in the ocean well ahead of the land masses that morphed into continents.  Water held these minerals deep beneath its waves for a very long time.  The way Prehnite and the Stilbites formed was that their masses first descended into the oceans as Earth took on its planetary form. They formed layers or crusts upon the ocean floor.  After that, other minerals also settled on the ocean floor to become layered on top of the layers of Prehnite and Stilbite. The layers containing Prehnite and Stilbite were compressed unevenly. As continental plates shifted and the heat within the Earth forced eruptions, many crystalline formations were moved about, and some came up to Earth’s surface. 
Rock contact metamorphism eng big text
     The buried layers holding the Prehnite or Stilbite vibrations started as having infiltrated into the Earth’s earliest oceans.  They were filtered, formed layers, and were buried deep on the ocean floor.  Land masses shifted causing even deeper burial.  With planetary heating and cooling, metamorphic action brought the Prehnite or Stilbite layers upward in volcanic-like upheavals.  The high heat, fast-upward-motion, and quick cooling caused contraction that resulted in a repeat of the layering action.  Following this further upheaval, the newly formed layers settled, often growing upon foundation minerals. However, the foundation minerals, such as Laumontite in Prehnite’s case, were not stable and later dissipated out of the formation leaving these newly formed layers with inner tubules.  Water and some debris may have temporarily displaced the unstable foundation minerals.  This further exposure to water within the tubules quite often gave Prehnite or Stilbite a recharge of their original emotional energies.  Water facilitates the more rapid movement of energy and facilitates the emotional vibrations which resonate with the emotional body.
     The metamorphic action of volcanic upheaval brought the long-buried Prehnite or Stilbite upward in a fast process that gave each its distinctive shape.  The original channelled information points to ocean filtering but omits the subsequent burial and volcanic upheaval.  The Prehnite or Stilbite change shape, but do not change their original essences, while undergoing these metamorphic processes.  Because their vibrations were filtered when they first settled deep in the watery crevasses of Earth’s earliest oceans, Prehnite, Stilbite, and other similar stones, retain their affiliations with the emotions and emotional energies.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Do you take Cream and Sugar with your Crystals?

     Crystals and more crystals, and what-ever should I do with them?

     Crystals are here on Earth to bring light. So, what better place to put them than on the coffee table in the living room? Bring divine light into your primary living space and give it a vibrational lift!

     Come with me on the Magical Mystery Tour of my coffee table crystals. Here is an image of the crystals on the coffee table in our living room. Wherever will I put my coffee?

     This collection of living room crystals is the result of a couple of decades of working with crystals in a serious way. If you are thinking of starting a living-room-crystal project, start with what you have. No need to get everything today!
    Crystals bring light. The light they bring is determined by your vibration. Hence, what you have to put on your coffee table is perfect for right now, and perfectly in tune with your vibration. As your crystals bring light, your vibration rises and more crystals will find their way into your collection.

     This image shows the core centre-piece crystals. See the large crystal ball in the very centre. Light comes into a ball from all sides, but light is also coming in from all sides of the ball at a dimensional level above the physical plane. Both physical and higher dimensional light is moving in and out of the crystal ball. The three larger clear quartz-points and the two smaller quartz-points around the ball are generator crystals because of their larger size. They push a significant amount of light. Notice how they are arranged to point in a counter-clockwise direction. In this configuration they create a counter-clockwise vortex that causes the light flow to be in-bound. For the person who is not yet enlightened and ascended, the idea is to bring the light into the physical body. Between the crystal ball and the generators, a fair amount of light is swirling around in this space as it finds its way into our living room.

     Going around the table starting in the twelve o’clock position, Pink Halite sits on top of a Selenite slab. I had my eyes peeled for a quality piece of Pink Halite ever since I first encountered it in 1994 at the Conclave of Archangel Michael in Banff.  I got this piece from Silver Cove about 2 years ago. Pink Halite creates its own vortex of out-bound light. It brings the vibrations of love and compassion that go with the pink heart chakra frequencies. Yes, there is love in our living room!
     The Selenite is the pathway to the highest places of one’s own being. In this case, Selenite, with the help of Pink Halite’s love, is reaching into the highest levels of the universe to bring the highest parts of the collective higher-self of my wife, myself, our dog, Merlin, and whatever else constitutes the vibration of our home.

     Here we have a good-sized piece of Malachite (bottom) and a raw natural Fluorite. Malachite works to remove the negative aspects of the vibrations that are flowing through this space. It is a light cleanser that removes the undesirable aspects of vibration that may find their way. The Fluorite (everyone needs Fluorite) opens the door to help light flow from the higher dimensions of the universe, as well as, making a place for spirit guides to come to bring their love and influences to our home.

     Going clockwise round the table, you can see the Fluorite, and now add Rose Quartz and Sodalite. Rose Quartz adds love to the mix of light. Pink Halite and Rose Quartz provide the same basic frequency of love wherever they are placed. More love! The Sodalite is a stone that aligns the will of the individual on Earth with the will of his or her higher-self in the heavens. If your will is the same as divine will, what would it be?

     Here is my first book, The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment. It, too, adds vibration to the mix. If you want to understand crystals beyond mere cause-and-effect, first understand light. This book is a window for the intellect to envision the wisdom of divine light and to envision the steps on the spiritual path.  No pabulum and lots to learn!

     At the seven o’clock position there is my conch, which puts out quite a sound if done right, Labradorite, and what we call the Abundance Angel (clear quartz). A string of prayer beads that comes from a Shaman we know is around the neck of the angel. Labradorite’s contribution to the table is that of consciousness healing and expansion. You can see the iridescent shimmer of blue, green, and gold hues on its surface. The iridescent shimmer is indicative of vibrations that are quite subtle, as are the vibrations of consciousness.

     Finally, here is an additional piece of raw Rose Quartz for more love. As it is a tea-light holder, it carries the flame to show the way through the darkness as the spiritual path unfolds before the eyes of the devotee. Contemplate the flame and be-here-now.

The coffee table in the living room is a great place to start bringing divine light into your space!

Love and Light,

Friday, 31 March 2017

In the Beginning... Hematite

Sometimes listening to the radio can be amazing, even inspiring. In an interview with a writer, who began his writing career at the tender age of 16, the message from his mentor was that, if he wanted to be a writer, he had to write something every day. I, too, write. But, even with 3 books to my credit, I hesitate to call myself a writer, and for good reason. I am a channel for the foundation of knowledge that came to be two profound books on how divine light works and another on how crystals work and work with divine light. I am not an everyday writer, but I do like the practice of writing.
So, my blog continues.
The thought for today is linked to the work I am doing on my online crystal course, which is taking a very long time to complete. My job keeps me away from home a lot, and lately, I went through a major surgery that gave me a month of pain and a lot of physio to go through to recover.  Progress has been slow.
A couple of days ago, I was working on the presentation for the crystal Hematite.
Many people know Hematite as Alaska diamond. It is black and shiny and can be worked to a smooth finish in just about any shape the stone cutter might wish. Hematite is the stone for the person who is endeavouring to start the spiritual path. It is the stone for bringing the first light frequencies on the road to enlightenment. It is the stone for bringing the first frequencies to whatever material form or mass that has no light. In the beginning, there was Hematite.
Hematite is the stone with which to begin bringing light into form because it works with the black light frequency range. Yes, friends, there is black light frequencies. These are the lowest and slowest frequencies on Earth. Black light will always be the very first frequency to find its way into material form or mass for that very reason. A mass without light is also the lowest and slowest vibration. To be compatible, the first light to come to the mass also needs to be the lowest and slowest vibration.
The discussion that goes with empowering form with light will have to wait for another day, but to begin the empowerment, Hematite provides the first frequencies, which of necessity are black light frequencies.