Monday 21 March 2022

Perspectives on Grounding Crystals

Grounding with crystals is simple... Light assimilates into the body's physical form. Form's vibration then rises and is empowered.

Grounding has always been associated with the Earth. Electrical utility companies use copper ground rods driven 4-5 feet into the Earth throughout their networks; and copper ground rods are present in every building having electricity. Electrical charge goes to ground through the ground rod to complete the circuit of electrical current.

Grounding stones follow the same principle. They pull light into their physical forms and hold it―at least initially. Physical form, in this instance, is not exactly the Earth nor is it precisely the stone itself. After the form of the crystal has grounded its complement of light frequencies, it becomes Oneness to a degree depending on how much light it assimilates. Oneness is the expression of the Godhead outside of itself and within creation. Oneness is God and has the capacity to resonate with all things in the created universe. (Reference: The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment, Chapter 1, section 1.2, entitled: Light + Form = Oneness). On our world, this means that the grounding stone can help attract light frequencies, which can then flow between the grounding crystal's own mass and other forms. It makes light available. This is not to say that grounding stones are adept or efficient, yet grounded light can be shared between forms―one to another.

Although the vast majority of crystals attract and assimilate light within their own range of frequencies, what has become known as a “grounding stone” is usually black and infrequently brown in colour. The major difference from other crystals is that the grounding stones work with the lowest light frequencies. Because grounding is synonymous with planet Earth, a proper grounding stone needs to resonate reasonably well with the Earth. Earth’s indigenous light is the black range of light  frequencies. (Reference: The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment, Chapter 1, section 1.3, entitled: Black: the Light of Earth) Therefore, the black stones, which carry black light, harmonize with the Earth best. Examples include Black Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Deschloizite to mention a very few.

Hematite: Black with a shiny surface.

The simplest grounding stone, and perhaps the simplest crystal, is Hematite. Its two primary physical attributes are readily apparent. First, it is shiny; and second, it is black. Hematite is one of the Earth’s most potent grounding stones. Its black aspect attracts only the lowest black light frequency range, and its shiny aspect reflects away all other frequency ranges. Effective yes―very! But, not at all versatile! It only deals with Earth’s lowest frequency of black light to the exclusion of all others. Hematite is one of the four stones used in the Light Body layout, yet think of it as having the capacity to bring light to the lowest and densest of vibrations. It grounds the lowest vibration of the black light frequency into the lowest vibrations of form. If some part of a person’s physical body is lacking light, Hematite is the best stone to start with for the purpose of light empowerment. It brings the lowest frequency of black light, which is also the first frequency that is capable of assimilating into (bodily) form that has no light.

Another stone of fascination is Obsidian. It is black and occasionally dark brown, sometimes it comes with white flecks and is indeed a grounding stone. During Earth’s infancy, Obsidian was so effective at grounding the limited light available that it was given the honour of grounding the frequencies and energies of Earth’s soul. Obsidian is alive and carries the essence of the soul of the planet within.

Snow Flake Obsidian

There is nothing to fear about Obsidian, but its power can be easily misunderstood. It works with the Earth’s soul, and it also works with the soul of whoever is using it. Obsidian’s ability to orchestrate and harmonize multiple soul frequencies, along with its potent grounding ability, makes it a powerful crystal. With so much soul, Obsidian leaves no room for ego. The difficulties that the user may experience arise, not from the light and energy of the stone, but from the displacement of the ego. The ego naturally attempts to fight its way back to prominence. The ensuing seesaw battle between the soul and the ego can be most disharmonious. Please check out Obsidian (Reference: The Crystal Textbook, Section entitled: Obsidian).

During Earth’s earliest times, grounding stones created their own problems. They held light too tightly. They did their job of attracting light to Earth and of safekeeping it, but letting it go was not part of their process. Consequently, the grounding function had to go through an evolutionary process. At first, grounding stones took divine light frequencies out-of-circulation and held them tightly. Therefore, very little light was available to empower and enlighten other forms. Much time elapsed with little progress in the mission to enlighten the Earth. Slowly, more light arrived on the Earth and, with the help of the grounding stones, it remained on Earth, even if not immediately available. Eventually, the grounding stones brought enough light to the planet to create a surplus. Planetary empowerment began thereafter.

Monday 14 March 2022

The Importance of Breath

 Getting out of the hospital after an operation to remove kidney stones was like a breath of fresh air. Yes, there was pain. Yes, there was karma clearing; and mostly, yes, I was glad to put it behind me. Beyond all of that, what actually happened was an extremely valuable lesson that I learned about the breath of fresh air that I so cherished.

My book, The Story of Light, Through Heaven’s Gate, has a very interesting discussion about the light holding capacity of the molecules of the air, and of oxygen in particular. I have taught people to be aware of the contribution of the breath to raising their vibration on numerous occasions and also emphasized the value of consciously working with the nostrils, nasopharynx, bronchial tubes, and alveoli. Each part of the respiratory tract contributes to the oxygenation of the body and the spiritual practitioner needs to be aware to use them appropriately. To quote my book, “As oxygen readily assimilates light to become divine Oneness, it indeed carries the primary life force on the planet. Pranayama (a.k.a., yogic breathing) is essentially the bringing of oxygen’s Oneness into the body.”

Oxygen molecule graphic

The great lesson that I learned during my hospital visit was just how significant and how immediate the respiratory tract is to the oxygenation of the body. There I was in the post-op area, about 15 minutes after recovering consciousness from the general anaesthetic that I had been under. I was quite awake and conscious and definitely breathing. My breath was sometimes deep and full, and sometimes short and shallow. I was hooked up to the monitors that show heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and most interestingly oxygen saturation.

The post-op duty nurse answered my question that they like to see at least 92% oxygen saturation. Here is what happened to impress me about the awesome power of the breath, actually two breaths to be exact. At one point, my breath was shallow enough that the monitor read 89% saturation. I then thought I had better start breathing better. My next two breaths―only twowere moderately long and deep. In those two breaths, my oxygen saturation went to 94%. In five breaths, it rose to 97%, and by the twelfth breath, I was at 99%.

This was scientific proof of just how important even a single breath can be to the well being of the body, and especially to the exposure to the divine light frequencies carried by the oxygen molecule. As much as I was awed by this clear demonstration of the value of the breath, the nurse casually confirmed this phenomenon as something she sees all the time. I am sure that that would be true for any post-op nurse.

As for me, I am still in awe enough to both write this article and make a more conscious effort to make longer, deeper breaths a habit.

Books by Roger Joyeux

Monday 7 March 2022

Healing with Light: the Far Infrared Sauna

Reiki, Huna Kane, Healing Touch, the laying of hands, and crystal healing all have one thing in common.  Each healing modality uses light to do the healing.  In truth, light is the only thing that actually does the healing.  What a simple principle!  Find a way for light to enter an area of disease or injury, and the healing begins.  Find a way to get enough light to the area, and complete healing will happen.

From the body of knowledge about how divine light and crystals work on Earth and in the heavens found in my books, The Crystal TextbookThe Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment, and The Story of Light, Through Heaven’s Gate, the red light frequency range is a highly penetrating band of frequencies.  If you are going to use light to enter a diseased or injured area, the red frequency range is the most certain of all frequencies to get through.  To appreciate the qualities of red light, consider that the red frequencies of the crystal, Ruby, are harnessed to create laser beam cutting tools.

Far Infrared Light Band

The far infrared spectrum of frequencies does not lend itself to being a laser cutting tool, but its range of frequencies, in the quantity emitted by the elements of the far infrared sauna makes a notable contribution to the healing process.  Because there are multiple elements in each sauna, each putting out a breadth of rays within the sauna, light will find its way into significant portions of the body, to a depth of up to 1.5”.  Healing becomes generalized throughout.

Will a far infrared sauna make a difference to your healing process?  Far infrared saunas have several endorsements from medical doctors. My own GP believes in the process enough to have sent me to take laser light therapy, which involved both red and far infrared bands of light.  After experiencing how effective the process was in knocking-out the pain and making it easier to walk, I started looking around for a treatment regime that I could do at home.  I did the research on the pros and cons of infrared saunas.  I went with the Far North Sauna people in Edmonton, Alberta primarily because the heating elements that emit the infrared rays are ceramic, as opposed to carbon or aluminum.  Beyond that, the price was reasonable, the unit was easy to assemble, it fit easily into the basement, used normal electric plugins, and there was a stereo built-in. Unfortunately, Far North Saunas have since gone out-of-business.

My wife and I understand light and healing, and understand the value of using a far infrared light sauna on a regular basis.  With regular use, I began to notice a lessening of the pain in my body’s injuries, especially in my knees.

The following excerpt comes from the Far North Sauna (Edmonton, Alberta) website prior to their demise.

Quote: “Far infrared light is starting to make its effects known in the sports community, where injuries are more common than in the general public, and where sports teams are leading the way with innovations that fit a more mainstream medical model. The bottom line is that it works.

Injuries and Far Infrared Sauna Therapy (FIRT)

FIRT has gained immense notoriety with weekend warriors and professional athletes alike. FIRT has the unique ability to speed up and improve the healing process of many injuries including joint and muscle pain, back pain, scarring, colds and flues, as well as a host of other conditions. FIRT penetrates the skin up to two inches and causes increased blood flow and vasodilation. In the healing process and specifically during the sub-acute stage where we see new growth of connective tissue and capillaries that help repair damaged structures far infrared sauna therapy works very well. Scar tissue also continues to grow during this time and is minimized by using FIRT. FIRT helps promote rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration. FIRT also expands capillaries, which stimulate increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation, and oxygenation. The chronic stage follows in which scar tissue is remodelled by the stresses placed on it. During this stage, the deep heat of far infrared sauna therapy helps blood vessels dilate, thus bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen rich blood to oxygen depleted muscles, so they recover faster. All-in-all, FIRT is an excellent addition to any muscle and joint rehabilitation program. FIRT has been great in helping to reduce downtime caused by colds and flues as-well due to its effect on the immune system.

Immune Systems and Far Infrared Sauna Therapy

FIRT works in many ways to help strengthen a weakened immune system. Firstly, the gentle warmth created from the heat of the far infrared saunas raises the internal body temperature which in turn mimics a type of artificial fever. This stimulates the body’s immune system to turn on and get busy producing more of the different body defence cells that can be used to combat any foreign invaders. Secondly, FIRT stimulates full detoxification of the body. Detoxification can be defined as “the process of reducing the build-up of various poisonous substances in the body”. Because the far infrared frequency wavelength penetrates the entire surface of the body up to two inches, a thorough cleansing can take place. The far infrared heat opens the pores to their base, which helps mobilize the toxins, which are then flushed out when you sweat. Every system in our body performs better when it functions in a detoxified state including the digestive system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system and most importantly the Immune System. The United States Centre for Disease Control estimates that over 80% of all illnesses have environmental and lifestyle causes. Remember to drink lots of water throughout the day, especially before and after your far infrared sauna session to help with the detox flushing. A third, and also very important aspect of immune system health that far infrared sauna therapy works with, is the creation of relaxation and stress relief. As we all know, stress either acute or chronic plays a major role in diminishing our immune system function as it causes chemical and hormonal imbalances to occur. The soothing heat generated from the far infrared sauna therapy creates total relaxation and decreased stress levels. Research has shown that continuous far infrared sauna therapy promotes a rebalancing of the body’s hormones through its effect on the autonomic nervous system.”  Endquote.

Getting a far infrared sauna did not end with the company mentioned above. They are still quite available and probably in your local area. Further, information on the healing benefits of the far infrared light spectrum is also quite available. A simple internet search should get you there.

Books by Roger Joyeux