Monday 7 February 2022

Crystals for the Schizophrenic

    I was recently asked if there were a crystal that would be helpful for a person with Schizophrenia. 

    Schizophrenia was a topic of interest for me several years ago. I did not find it to be complex, but there is a significant amount of background knowledge to draw upon before the answer becomes clear. See references at the end of this article. 

    Young, or more accurately, baby souls come to Earth as part of their initial dive into Earthly consciousness. Being neonates in the soul department, the soul of the schizophrenic has very little experience on Earth and is, therefore, not adept at living here or anywhere else in the universe. The baby-soul has very little connection with its incarnation and, therefore, is in a deficit position in sending light to its incarnation. Such light (divine energy, or spirit) is very essential and necessary and must be strong enough to maintain the vibration of the person in a healthy way. The soul of the schizophrenic needs to build up the light within its incarnation to acquire a viable "person's" vibration that can withstand the assaults from any of the negative energies that may be present in the local environment (including the immediately local higher-dimensional environment). 

    Without a "viable" vibration, the schizophrenic person is subject to the invasion of mischievous lower fourth (or so) dimensional entities. Delusions of grandeur are the primary symptoms. These delinquent entities pose as known beings... Jesus, King Henry VIII, or whoever... by taking over the body and acting out. 

    This invasion is possible because the Etheric Magnetic Field is weak and most often has warps, holes, or black and dense areas. The Etheric Magnetic Field is responsible for the attraction and repulsion of the light frequencies and energies that maintain a person's normal vibration. A weak etheric field is vulnerable to the invasion of a foreign spirit entity. Essentially, the body is occupied by two very different spirits. The invading entity usually has the stronger will and, more or less, takes over for a time until it gets bored or has somewhere else to go. Don't get the idea that these entities are strong. They are not! They are predatory, but only to extremely weak individuals, who are weaker than themselves. 

    The solution... 

  1. is to strengthen the etheric magnetic field, which emanates from the physical body. Simply add light. Clear quartz and grounding stones such as Hematite, Obsidian, and Onyx ((((Careful!!! Real Onyx is almost impossible to get as it is almost always Agate that has been treated. “Natural black onyx is extremely rare, so the commercial black variety is nearly always agate that has been stained by the sugar-sulphuric acid treatment, soaked in a sugar solution and then heated in sulphuric acid to carbonize the sugar.” From: Firefly Guide to Gems, by Cally Oldershaw )))) are helpful. Quartz to bring the light, and black grounding to hold it. No need to use any of the more specialized crystals. Bringing light is the objective.
  2. The most effective treatment I know of would be my copper energy bed. Go here ( to see the image and brief write up on crystal layouts including the section on the copper energy bed. The copper bed, which is a sheet of roofing copper 7x3' and is also discussed in The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment, Chapter 2, "The Etheric Body", is a natural energy conductor. It accelerates the etheric magnetic field and, by doing so, shifts the warps, holes, damaged spots, and dense areas of the afflicted person's etheric field. It bring the etherics into their natural state of flow. With a natural flow, free of warps and holes, the etherics can properly attract and repel light frequencies, as it is supposed to do, according to the appropriate state of the person's vibration. It thereby removes the vulnerability of the person to the invasion of nasty spirits.
  3. Another solution is to use the principles of our Earthly, free-will zone. Mischievous lower fourth dimensional entities and all other other-worldly beings are required to respect our free will on Earth. Simply tell those invading spirits to get lost. If they come back, tell them again. The schizophrenic person needs to exercise his/her free will and tell the invaders to go away. You cannot do it for them. Simply say: "Be Gone, foul entities!!". The protection ritual should have the same effect. It goes as follows: 

"I call upon the great white light to come down within to surround and protect me. Beings of light, who are working for my best and highest interest are invited to be here now and to work with me. All other entities must now leave and are commanded to do so. So be it." 

    Keep in mind that schizophrenic persons are the incarnations of really new souls that have next to no experience on any realm of consciousness let alone on a world with the severe challenges of the third dimension on Earth. The light from the crystals will help, a copper energy bed will help, and the expression of free will should be effective, but the person's soul has a long way to go on its journey into consciousness. The soul needs to learn how to connect with its incarnation and how to send light and in the proper quantity and quality. Such learning at the soul-level takes a number of incarnate experiences to accomplish. Perhaps, bring your expectations of the healing outcome for the schizophrenic person into line with the nature of the condition.

    Getting past the myths about how our spiritual bodies and the crystals work requires effort and discernment. No pill, no pablum, just work and an open mind to the truth. 

The Story of Light, Path to Enlightenment
  1. Chapter 1, “The Beginning of Light on Earth”
    • 1.5 “The Descent into Density”
    • 1.8 “Problems Encountered in Anchoring Light”
    • 1.9 “Innovating Physical Duality”
  2. Chapter 2, “The Etheric Body”
  3. Chapter 3, “Starting from Scratch”
    • 3.4 “The Seed Light”
    • 3.5 “Awakening the Seed-Light”
The Story of Light, Through Heaven’s Gate
  1. Chapter 2, “Into the Void”
    • 2.2 “Understanding the Void”
    • 2.3 “The Vanguard of Negativity”
  2. Chapter 3, “Lost Souls”
  3. Chapter 5, “Recreating Creation”
    • 5.3 “Reconditioning Light for Earth”
  4. Chapter 8, “Earth Light”
    • 8.2 “Destabilization of In-coming Light”
  5. Chapter 13, “Basic Involvement of the Soul”
  6. Chapter 16, “Contemplation and Meditation”
    • 16.1 “Attuning to the Soul”
    • 16.2 “The Importance of Serenity”
The Crystal Textbook
  1. Part 1, “Working with Light and Crystals”
    • “Basic Characteristics of Light”
    • “Classic Crystal Healing”
  2. Part 2, “Crystals”
    • “Quartz
    • “Clear Quartz Terminated Crystals”
    • “Hematite”
    • “Obsidian”
    • “Onyx”

Books by Roger Joyeux:

Sunday 9 January 2022

The Implications of Balance in a World of Free Will

One + One = Two. Ever so simple!

Evolving thought comes as a person adds one known to another known to arrive at a third previously unknown from the synthesis of the first two. The rhetorical saying that I personally subscribed to some years back was: “One must see the obvious before one can see further. What will be obvious tomorrow is not obvious today; and what is obvious today was not obvious yesterday.”

One: We live in a world of free-will. We have the option to choose love or to choose not-love. Still pretty simple! Choosing love brings a person to better relationships, to the path of spirituality, to harmony, and to a greater awareness of the connection to the higher realms. Choosing not-love is just as simple. It brings anger, agitation, judgment, conflict, and a reduction in awareness of the connection to lower vibration.

Another One: Earth is a planet of balance. Unlike Mars, we on Earth are not inherently warriors, or adventurers, or pioneers. And unlike Venus, we are not inherently compassionate, kind, or loving. Some of us are each of these at different times in our lives. Earth sits in a position of balance between the planets of love and war. When imbalance rears its ugly head, most of us do not have any difficulty seeing the problems it brings. A great deal of the practice of spiritual healing is focused on re-establishing balance. Disease is an imbalance—too much cigarette smoke leads to cancer. Perhaps the most noticeable imbalances are those in the political arena. When dictators, democratic or not, impose their personal agendas, countries drift toward imbalances. Corruption is an imbalance.

One + Another One = Two: When you add free-will to Earth’s balancing act, the outcome becomes a choice to live in balance or not. When the will is in-balance and on the path of love, consideration is given to others. A person has tolerance, appreciation, and goodwill, without going overboard. Such a person has goodwill for others, but also for self—in balance.

On the other side of the coin, when the will is out-of-balance and the person has chosen to not-love, really bad things happen. What can a strong will from the dark side do? Search the internet for the movie: “Triumph of the Will”. The Nazis understood the will. World War 2 is a case of excessively strong will married to the choice to not-love on a global scale. Bringing the warring world back into balance in 1945 took an atomic bomb to establish peace. Does this grate against your illusions of how the world is on Earth. Good! One must see the obvious before one can see further.

Ask the question: why have we, on Earth, had to live under the illusive hope that there will somehow be world peace? Wars and interpersonal conflicts have been a part of the past for as long as memory allows. The present is no different. The threat of mutually assured destruction from thermo-nuclear war has kept the world at peace since 1945, but pseudo-wars have broken out in different parts of the globe continually—Khuzestan 1945, Indo-Pakistan 1947, Arab-Israel 1948 /56 /67 /73  /82 /87 /00 /06 /08 /12 /14 /21, China 1949, Korea 1953, Taiwan Strait 1954/58/95, Vietnam 1954/65, Tibet 1959, Cuba 1959, Congo 1960, Ethiopia 1964, South Africa 1966, Gulf War 1991/2003, and on and on. Current on-going conflicts (how is war defined by the UN?) include Israel-Palestine, Panjshir, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Afghanistan-Iran, Sudan-Ethiopia. There was just way too many to list every pseudo-war or conflict since 1945. As I write this, Russia is building up troops on its border with the Ukraine, and Biden and Putin are planning a meeting to address what is going on.

If you think world peace is possible, look at the fundamentals: balance and free-will.

First fundamental: As a planet of balance, there will always be imbalance to deal with. This does not say that we are not evolving towards higher vibrations, which we are. But relations on Earth, including our relationship with climate, will always experience intermittent states of imbalance, whether major or minor. War is easy to point to, but imbalances are inevitable and constant. As a quick example, our dog, Merlin, is full of bounding energy right now because the ambient temperature outside is -24C and we do not want to take him for a walk for both his and our sakes—dog-energy-imbalance.

Second fundamental: As a planet of free-will, there will always be people that choose love and those that choose not-love. War and conflict are in the realm of not-love. Spiritual practices, kindness, and peace are in the realm of love.

Add the fundamentals: When the wilful choice to not-love creates the imbalance of conflict, war happens. When the wilful choice to love creates the balance of higher vibration, spirituality happens.

The disappointment that arises is that denial leads to the thought that we are what we are not. Denial avoids the thought that we live among those that do not choose love and among those that do choose love. Denial leads us to think that others live as we do. Reality is: some people are good and some are bad. World peace runs up against the quandary of choosing love/not-love in a world of balance/imbalance.

The realization that comes with adding these two ‘1’s’ to make ‘2’ has set my mind at ease with the idea that, while I choose love (at least half the time), half of the rest of the world chooses not-love (at least half the time). As I am that I am (to be defined later), the Earth is what it is. World peace?...... LOL Great Expectations!

Makes me think of Neville Chamberlain's words as he waved a flimsy sheet of paper with Hitler's signature in 1938: "Peace in our Time".

Saturday 11 January 2020

The Choice: Illusion or Not!

    Yes, we are supposed to be living on a planet of free-will.  And we do, but do we?  Sure-we-do, but you need to know how it works if you are going to make the choices that suit you.  First question for you… do you want to be a good person or not?  You quite clearly have the option to choose to be a Donald.  You also have the option to be a kind, generous, nice, and loving person.
    If spirituality is your goal, what choice do you think that entails?  Without further adieu, the will to be spiritual means choosing love.  The next question is… are you consciously aware enough to see the difference between choosing love and choosing that which is not-love?  Do NOT take your conscious awareness for granted.  Lots of nice people do bad things.  Someone famous once said: “Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.”  When it comes to choosing to be spiritual, do you know what you are doing?
    All these questions pose the challenge that is inherent to living on Earth.  The challenge is to choose without knowing that the choice is the key to the universe.  Choosing opens doors.  Do you want to descend to the basement or ascend to the top floor?  Where on the scale of high and low vibration do you want to be?  Do you want to live in the mundane world, or do you aspire to be a bodhisattva and achieve the ascension?  Indeed, you have the free will to take yourself where you want to go.  Let’s not get into denial.
    Do you want to be spiritual?  The spiritual path begins with the choices to be loving.  Kindness, generosity, honesty, and being nice are the conditions that lead up to being loving.  These and similar preliminary choices demonstrate to-the-universe that you are willing to fulfil all the conditions that lead to love.  Oh! for heaven’s sake!  Do not get cemented into the illusion that unconditional love is the way forward.  Unconditional love follows the fulfillment of all the conditions that make love possible.  Love without honesty, respect, and all the other conditions does not happen.  So, turn it around—love is conditional to the achievement of all its attributes.  Love without peace—hah! … not possible.
    The choice then is to choose love.  There is a very technical, almost scientific way of conceiving how this works.  Do you want to connect with the enlightened universe; do you want to achieve enlightenment and the ascension?  Do you want to be spiritual enough to connect with your angelic spirit guides and receive the wisdom and knowledge of the universe?  Do you want to gain access to the consciousness of nirvana?  Well… all these choices are dependent on love.
    Consider the way the universe is constructed.  Having access to the Oneness of the all-pervasive, divine, and loving heavens comes with the merging of vibrations.  Who gets to take consciousness into the higher realms?  Vibration must be in harmony.  The gatekeepers of the divine universe are not going to permit entry to individuals that do not know love!  How else could it be?  The divine heavens are total and complete omnipresent love.  No drunks allowed!  No deviants, no murderers, no rapists, no sarcastic people, no cheats!  The only vibration that is consistent with the divine universe (as opposed to the not-so-divine universe, i.e., the dark side) is love.  The heavens are set up to permit entry only to those who have demonstrated love enough to bring their vibrations to an adequate level to be in harmony with the divine.
    So, back to the challenge that is inherent to the exercise of free-will.  If you do not have sufficient conscious awareness to know enough to choose love, your life is not going to find its way onto the spiritual path.  If you are consciously aware of what is required, do you really want to be spiritual?  If not, conscious awareness will recede into the darkness and you will lose it along with your place on the spiritual path.  If so, whether aware or not, the prerequisite is to choose love.  With enough love, the heavens come home. 
    The illusion is to think that choosing without love will take you anywhere but down.  So, choose love and I will see you in the heavens.

Friday 15 November 2019

Creating Crystals that work with the Emotions

Stilbite and Prehnite Formation, 
Metamorphosis and Ocean Filtering

     Water, whether in oceans or lakes, filters the incoming vibration leaving a partial vibration to manifest into physical form. Water implies the fluidity of the emotions.  What is left after filtering, and what crystallizes into the depths of the oceans, are the emotional aspects of the manifesting vibrations.  Water filters out those vibrations that are not associated with the emotions.  Crystals that have been filtered by water, therefore, work with the emotions and the emotional body.
     From a scientific-geological perspective, the Stilbites and Prehnite were formed after they rose to the surface from deep within continental formations as metamorphic activity brought them forward.  The first perspective: of descending through the oceans, and this second perspective: of rising with metamorphic upheaval, may seem to be contradictory.  How can a crystal manifest both in the ocean and rise from volcanoes?  To resolve this apparent discrepancy in crystal formation and to ensure the integrity of my channel, I returned to my divine guidance.  

     The additional channel received asserts that both perspectives are true and do not conflict.  Yes, Prehnite and the Stilbites, along with other stones that were filtered in the oceans, do work with the emotional body.  And, yes, they were created in the ocean well ahead of the land masses that morphed into continents.  Water held these minerals deep beneath its waves for a very long time.  The way Prehnite and the Stilbites formed was that their masses first descended into the oceans as Earth took on its planetary form. They formed layers or crusts upon the ocean floor.  After that, other minerals also settled on the ocean floor to become layered on top of the layers of Prehnite and Stilbite. The layers containing Prehnite and Stilbite were compressed unevenly. As continental plates shifted and the heat within the Earth forced eruptions, many crystalline formations were moved about, and some came up to Earth’s surface. 
Rock contact metamorphism eng big text
     The buried layers holding the Prehnite or Stilbite vibrations started as having infiltrated into the Earth’s earliest oceans.  They were filtered, formed layers, and were buried deep on the ocean floor.  Land masses shifted causing even deeper burial.  With planetary heating and cooling, metamorphic action brought the Prehnite or Stilbite layers upward in volcanic-like upheavals.  The high heat, fast-upward-motion, and quick cooling caused contraction that resulted in a repeat of the layering action.  Following this further upheaval, the newly formed layers settled, often growing upon foundation minerals. However, the foundation minerals, such as Laumontite in Prehnite’s case, were not stable and later dissipated out of the formation leaving these newly formed layers with inner tubules.  Water and some debris may have temporarily displaced the unstable foundation minerals.  This further exposure to water within the tubules quite often gave Prehnite or Stilbite a recharge of their original emotional energies.  Water facilitates the more rapid movement of energy and facilitates the emotional vibrations which resonate with the emotional body.
     The metamorphic action of volcanic upheaval brought the long-buried Prehnite or Stilbite upward in a fast process that gave each its distinctive shape.  The original channelled information points to ocean filtering but omits the subsequent burial and volcanic upheaval.  The Prehnite or Stilbite change shape, but do not change their original essences, while undergoing these metamorphic processes.  Because their vibrations were filtered when they first settled deep in the watery crevasses of Earth’s earliest oceans, Prehnite, Stilbite, and other similar stones, retain their affiliations with the emotions and emotional energies.